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Welcome here to check out the true load performance specification (concentrated loads, roll loads, design loads, ultimate loads, impact loads, safely factor) of Huiya Raised Access Floor Systems, which will help you quickly and easily determine the type of access floor system most suited to your individual requirements. All the testing procedures are based on PSA (MOB PF2 PS/SPU) Specification, which consists of performance requirements including dimensional accuracy, moisture and thermal movement, strength grades, fire safety, floor panel finishes, and electrical bonding and continuity. 

PSA MOB PF2 PS/Spu Performance Specification for Raised Access Floor

With the last edition published in 1992, became the industry standard in the UK for many years, the Property Services Agency (PSA) Method of Building Performance Specification MOB PF2 PS/Spu - Platform Floors (Raised Access Floors) Performance Specification, sets the standards for raised floors, which classifies raised floor systems (false floor systems) in four structural categories: Light, Medium, Heavy and Extra Heavy, according to ultimate load, safety factor, deflection under working load and dimensional tolerances. 

PSA MOB PF2 PS (Spu) Specification - Raised Access Floor System Grade

The four grades of raised access floor which are outlined by MOB PF2 PS/Spu standard testing procedures, behave the different structural performances, key performances, access floor specifications, and typical Raised Floor application areas.

Huiya Raised Flooring System PSA (MOB PF2 PS/SPU) Grades Testing

The below videos recorded the whole standard testing procedures:

PSA (MOB PF2 PS/SPU) Specification Extra Heavy Grade Testing

Our Raised Access Floor Thickness: Top 1.0mm / Bottom 1.2mm

Test Result (Concentrated Load): 5260N for 2.0mm (Reach the EXTRA HEAVY Grade of MOB PF2 PS/Spu Specification)

PSA (MOB PF2 PS/SPU) Specification Heavy Grade Testing

Our Raised Access Floor Thickness: Top 0.8mm / Bottom 1.0mm

Test Result (Concentrated Load): 4080N for 2.0mm (Reach the HEAVY Grade of MOB PF2 PS/Spu Specification)

PSA (MOB PF2 PS/SPU) Specification Medium Grade Testing

Our Raised Access Floor Thickness: Top 0.7mm / Bottom 0.9mm

Test Result (Concentrated Load): 3160N for 2.0mm (Reach the MEDIUM Grade of MOB PF2 PS/Spu Specification)

PSA (MOB PF2 PS/SPU) Specification Light Grade Testing

Our Raised Access Floor Thickness: Top 0.6mm / Bottom 0.7mm

Test Result (Concentrated Load): 2580N for 2.0mm (Reach the LIGHT Grade of MOB PF2 PS/Spu Specification)

Check out our Raised Floor CISCA BS EN 12825 Specification Test (Rolling Load, Impact Load, Uniform Load)
