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Can Carpet Tiles Be Installed With Underfloor Heating?

2022/12/18 19:54:25

This is one of the most common questions when it comes to the installation of this type of flooring, the question is whether you can install carpets with underfloor heating. Since many believe that underfloor heating only works with floors such as ceramic or laminate. In this post, we will explain what considerations are taken into account so that these two elements can be used efficiently.

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Can Carpets Be Installed With Underfloor Heating?

The basic answer is that it is possible to install carpets with underfloor heating, but certain circumstances and care must be taken. In addition, special attention must be paid to the type of carpet to be installed and the carpet backing.

You should also take into account the maximum temperature at which the underfloor heating should be set, which should not be more than 27 °C. Most of these systems have restrictions so that this temperature is never reached as a safety measure.

The heating required in a room will depend on a number of factors, such as insulation, use of the space, floor covering, and type of carpeting. Installing underfloor heating with carpeting is safe as long as the work is done safely and the system is installed correctly, by trained professionals. It should also be taken into account that carpets themselves are thermal insulators. Therefore, if you use underfloor heating with this type of flooring, it will take a little longer to heat the room initially, but it will be warmer for longer.

To be 100% sure that you can install carpeting with underfloor heating, it is best to consult with experts in the field. Contact us if you need help making this decision.


Benefits Of Using Carpet Over Underfloor Heating

Laying carpet or installing carpet over underfloor heating systems has benefits, but you will need to consider the type of fiber you use, the subfloor, and the installation of both the system and the carpet itself. Everything has an impact on the performance of the system.

l  With a carpet over underfloor heating you will get a much cozier, warmer, and more attractive room. Compared to flooring such as ceramic tile, carpeting is softer and warmer for bare feet.

l  If the carpet and underfloor heating are installed well, the room will be heated from the floor and will be very warm and comfortable.

l  In addition, carpets or rugs tend to absorb dust, which is why regular cleaning and maintenance are so important. When using regular radiators or heaters, can cause dust to circulate throughout the space, causing allergies, among other problems.

l  Underfloor heating prevents this from happening and allows the dust on the carpeting not to circulate through the air.

l  On the other hand, you can install carpets with underfloor heating because it is very safe when you have children. Since there will be no risk of them coming into contact with the heater or radiator.


What Kind Of Carpets Can Be Used With Underfloor Heating?

You already know that you can use carpeting with underfloor heating, but not all types and fibers are the best choice. If the carpet is too thick, the floor will be too insulated for you to feel the benefits of heating.

l  Another point to consider is the thickness of the fiber when buying carpet tiles. The thicker it is, the more insulation it will provide, which can reduce the efficiency of the underfloor heating.

l  Wool is a very common choice for home carpets, it is sustainable, resistant, and soft. Thicker carpets will take longer to heat, but will also retain more heat. Another advantage of this material is that fewer dust sticks to them.

l  Synthetic carpets, such as wool blends, polypropylene, or nylon are good choices for installation with underfloor heating.

l  In general, when choosing carpeting for use with underfloor heating is that it should not be too thick. And look for a backing that offers good insulation and noise reduction, as well as being durable.


How To Choose The Type Of Underfloor Heating To Install With Carpeting?

l  There is a water-based underfloor heating, a hydronic underfloor heating system consists of a network of pipes under the floor. When the hot water is turned on it is pumped through these and heats the floor above. This can be compatible with carpeting, but you should check the installation guidelines.

l  On the other hand, electric underfloor heating systems use electricity from the house and can be done in two ways. One is with wires run under the surface of the floor and the second is with wires attached to the carpet. Whichever system is chosen, they are heated by electricity when they are turned on.

l  Attention should also be paid to the choice of carpet backing because it can affect the ability of heat to pass through the carpet into the room.

l  Burlap or jute backings are the best choices for use with radiant floors, rather than rubber. Although they tend to be more expensive, the former allows the heat to travel down through the carpet, while rubber acts as an insulator and keeps the heat under the floor, which will prevent the room from heating up well.


Tips For Installing Carpet With Underfloor Heating

l  Always follow the carpet and laminate flooring manufacturer's installation instructions. Make sure that the installation of underfloor heating is done by experts and that the heat loss is well calculated, among other details.

l  The subfloor, whether concrete or wood, must also be suitable for underfloor heating.

l   Calculate well the efficiency of the radiant floor to know if this type of installation is economically convenient for you.

l  The subfloor must be well prepared, clean, free of cracks and straight.

You already know that it is possible to install carpets with underfloor heating. They are an excellent way to give warmth to the spaces.
